tucker n. 1.打横褶的人,作褶裥的人;缝褶机;(装上去的)衣领;(17、18世纪时的女用)领布。 2.〔澳俚〕食物。 3.〔美口〕疲倦。 make [earn] one's tucker 勉强糊口。 one's best bib and tucker (个人所有的衣服中)最好的一件[套]。 vt. 〔美口〕使疲倦,使精疲力尽 (out)。
Your man looked tuckered out,-i saw him, 你那男人似乎筋疲力尽-我看他也是
-your man looked tuckered out,-i saw him, -你那男人似乎筋疲力尽-我看他也是
It was beautiful to hear that clock tick; and sometimes when one of these peddlers had been along and scoured her up and got her in good shape, she would start in and strike a hundred and fifty before she got tuckered out 有时会有走乡串镇的工匠来擦洗一遍,整得象模象样的,它就能一口气敲响一百五十下,这才累得停下来。这样的一台钟,不管你愿出多少价,他们也不肯卖。